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EVENTS 2000 - 2004
  1. Institute for the Humanities at Salado (lecture), Texas, September 2004

  2. International Society for Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Colorado, June 2004

  3. Coast to Coast AM (radio interview), August 2004

  4. Coast to Coast AM (radio interview), June 2004

  5. Society for Scientific Exploration, Las Vegas, NV, May 2004

  6. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Washington DC, June 2003

  7. Spirit in Business Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2003

  8. Stanford University, Department of Statistics, Stanford, CA, May 2003

  9. University of Minnesota, Center for Spirituality and Health, St. Paul, MN, February 2003

  10. University of California, Davis, CA, October 2002

  11. Friends of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, New York City, September 2002

  12. Human Potential Science International Forum, Chiba, Japan, August 2002

  13. Tucson V: Towards a science of consciousness, Plenary Talk, Univ. of Arizona, April 2002

  14. Coast to Coast AM (radio interview), November 2001

  15. Science Explorers Club, Menlo Park, CA, November 2001

  16. Coast to Coast AM (radio interview), July 2001

  17. International Remote Viewing Association, Las Vegas, NV, June 2001

  18. Starlab Inc., Brussels, Belgium, March 2001

  19. Medical Science Society of Portugal, Lisbon, March 2001

  20. Foundation for Mind-Being Research, Palo Alto, CA, January 2001

  21. Science and Spirituality of Healing, Wake Forest University, NC, October 2000

  22. Technology and Society Committee, Mountain View, CA, October 2000

  23. The Taggert Inn, Stockbridge, MA, September 2000

  24. Esalen Center for Theory and Research, Uncharted Realms of the Mind, July 2000

  25. 2000 Conference on Science and Consciousness, Albuquerque, NM, May 2000

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