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The Conscious Universe

Continuously in print for over 20 years. Translations available in French, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish and Russian. In Great Britain this book is entitled The Noetic Universe.


This is the best survey of real evidence for the existence of psychic phenomena ever compiled. Clear, comprehensive, engaging, and convincing, it provides hard facts, not hazy opinions. It is a bastion of substance in a sea of credulous psi publications that separates the real science of parapsychology from the morass of channelers, telephone hot-line psychics, side-show telepathics and metaphysical healers that most of the population associates with psychic phenomena, and who have unfairly caused parapsychologists to become pariahs to their colleagues in the more conventional sciences. -- Michael Epstein, Ph.D., Research Chemist, National Institute for Standards and Technologies, and former President, National Capitol Area Skeptics, reviewed in Journal of Scientific Exploration.

In recent years, the two strongest arguments for the reality of ESP and PK have been put forth by Jessica Utts and Dean Radin. -- Ray Hyman, Ph.D., Prof. of Psychology, University of Oregon and Chair, Parapsychology Committee, CSICOP (now called CSI)

Recently I was being interviewed by a young doctoral student working on a thesis dealing with "frontier science." After a year of interviewing most of the better-known parapsychologists and skeptics in this country this informed, outside observer remained perplexed. His first question for me was, "I have read Dr. Radin's book and I just can't see why there is still any argument about your field. Why do the skeptics keep it up?" That same question is likely to spring to mind for any objective reader on finishing this book, or, more likely, on getting about halfway through it, since Radin provides his own answer to that question in the latter half. Unquestionably, The Conscious Universe is the most forceful presentation of the scientific evidence for psi phenomena to be seen in perhaps the last half century and there is very little "wiggle room" left for the skeptics. -- Richard Broughton, Ph.D, psychologist, in his book review for the Scientific and Medical Network, which awarded The Conscious Universe its 1997 Book Award.

Dean Radin is the Einstein of parapsychology. To see why the world is more glorious than we've been told, read The Conscious Universe. Larry Dossey, M.D., physician, author of Healing Words, Prayer is Good Medicine, and Recovering the Soul.

The materialist worldview predicts that telepathy, psychokinesis and clairvoyance are impossible. Using modern statistical methods Dean Radin examines half a century of mind-matter research and concludes that these 'impossible' phenomena certainly exist--on the basis of robust, reliable, and repeatable evidence. More than just another science book, The Conscious Universe is a revolutionary act! -- Nick Herbert, Ph.D., physicist, author of Elemental MindQuantum Reality, and Faster Than Light.

I loved it. It made my head spin for days. -- Scott Adams, cartoonist and author of The Dilbert Future, The Dilbert Principles, and many other books.

Radin makes the most powerful case for the reality of parapsychological phenomena that I have yet encountered. He shows how recent research gives overwhelming evidence for the existence of forms of influence and communication at present unexplained. He writes clearly, powerfully and persuasively, and this book shows that we are at a turning point in our scientific understanding of our minds and of nature. -- Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., biologist, author of A New Science of LifeSeven Experiments That Could Change the World, and many other books.

Most books that try to tackle the entire field of parapsychology between their covers are a pitiful bore. The Conscious Universe is a wonderful exception. Parapsychologist Dean Radin, who has managed to ply his trade in various corporate and academic settings over the years, brings his own quirky outlook to the various facets of parapsychology and constantly surprises with his comparisons (how baseball resembles psi to illustrate replication, for example). Radin's treatment makes psi seem perfectly normal--and real. And quite naturally, as a result, the author finds himself addressing the social, economic and spiritual consequences of the mass realization that mind and matter do influence each other. Superb.

-- Patrick Huyghe, who selected The Conscious Universe for one of the Anomalist Awards for the Best Books of 1997.

[The Conscious Universe] is among the top ten most important books I have read in my life.

-- Gary E. R. Schwartz, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Neurology, and Psychiatry, University of Arizona, Tuscon.

Dean Radin's book is an excellent introduction to the field of parapsychology. I admire his persistence in trying to bring rational order to the study of the seemingly paranormal experiences that fascinate and baffle all human beings. -- Raymond Moody, MD, Ph.D., psychiatrist, author of Life After Life, Reunions, and many other books.

The Conscious Universe will become the book to read for anyone, layperson or scientist, who wants to know the truth about the scientific case for psychic phenomena - and the strange reasons why otherwise intelligent scientists resist the facts with such prejudice! I shall use it as a text as well as recommending it to friends and colleagues. Radin has a wealth of knowledge about parapsychology and modern science, as well as a talent for clear writing, that makes even complex experimental results quite accessible. -- Charles Tart, Ph.D., psychologist, author of Altered States of Consciousness, Open Mind, Discriminating Mind: Reflections on Human Possibilities, and Living the Mindful Life.

[The Conscious Universe] is well and away the best presentation of the case for the reality of psi that I have yet come across. No one has ever before put the case for parapsychology so convincingly or made better use of the various meta-analyses that have been carried out.

-- John Beloff, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, author of The Relentless Question, The Existence of Mind, Psychological Sciences, and many other books.

Well written ... good summary of the arguments supporting the existence of ESP. -- I. J. Good, Ph.D., statistician, writing in the scientific journal, Nature

It is a rare event when one book can move from "Well, I know what the deal is, but I will never be able to convince the dubious" to "OK, now that part is settled, and I can move on and let those with eyes for conclusive meta-analysis see for themselves." Thanks for your splendid effort. -- Richard Mann, Ph.D., psychologist, University of Michigan, editor of the SUNY Press series on Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology.

Excerpt from Chapter 1

In science, the acceptance of new ideas follows a predictable, four-stage sequence. In Stage 1, skeptics confidently proclaim that the idea is impossible because it violates the Laws of Science. This stage can last from years to centuries, depending on how much the idea challenges conventional wisdom. In Stage 2, skeptics reluctantly concede that the idea is possible, but it is not very interesting and the claimed effects are extremely weak. Stage 3 begins when the mainstream realizes that the idea is not only important, but its effects are much stronger and more pervasive than previously imagined. Stage 4 is achieved when the same critics who used to disavow any interest in the idea begin to proclaim that they thought of it first. Eventually, no one remembers that the idea was once considered a dangerous heresy.

The idea discussed in this book is in the midst of the most important and the most difficult of the four transitions – from Stage 1 into Stage 2. While the idea itself is ancient, it has taken more than a century to conclusively demonstrate it in accordance with rigorous, scientific standards. This demonstration has accelerated Stage 2 acceptance, and Stage 3 can already be glimpsed on the horizon.

The idea is that those compelling, perplexing and sometimes profound human experiences known as "psychic phenomena" are real.

This will come as no surprise to most of the world’s population, because the majority already believes in psychic phenomena. But over the past few years, something new has propelled us beyond old debates over personal beliefs. The reality of psychic phenomena is now no longer based solely upon faith, or wishful thinking, or absorbing anecdotes. It is not even based upon the results of a few scientific experiments. Instead, we know that these phenomena exist because of new ways of evaluating massive amounts of scientific evidence collected over a century by scores of researchers.

Psychic, or "psi" phenomena fall into two general categories. The first is perception of objects or events beyond the range of the ordinary senses. The second is mentally causing action at a distance. In both categories, it seems that intention, the mind’s will, can do things that – according to prevailing scientific theories – it isn’t supposed to be able to do. We wish to know what is happening to loved ones, and somehow, sometimes, that information is available even over large distances. We wish to speed the recovery of a loved one’s illness, and somehow they get better quicker, even at a distance. Mind willing, many interesting things appear to be possible.

Understanding such experiences requires an expanded view of human consciousness. Is the mind merely a mechanistic, information-processing bundle of neurons? Is it a "computer made of meat" as some cognitive scientists and neuroscientists believe? Or is it something more? The evidence suggests that while many aspects of mental functioning are undoubtedly related to brain structure and electrochemical activity, there is also something else happening, something very interesting.

This is for real?

When discussing the reality of psi phenomena, especially from the scientific perspective, one question always hovers in the background: You mean this is for real? In the midst of all the nonsense and excessive silliness proclaimed in the name of psychic phenomena, the misinformed use of the term parapsychology by self-proclaimed "paranormal investigators," the perennial laughing stock of magicians and conjurers … this is for real?

The short answer is, Yes.


A more elaborate answer is, psi has been shown to exist in thousands of experiments. There are disagreements over to how to interpret the evidence, but the fact is that virtually all scientists who have studied the evidence, including the hard-nosed skeptics, now agree that there is something interesting going on that merits serious scientific attention.

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